Text Trial

Try TextAlertz for Yourself and See What All the Excitement is About

The magic of mobile marketing is in its pure simplicity. All you do is invite people to join to your list by sharing your exclusive KEYWORD. When your customer or prospect texts this keyword to our special 55469 Short Code phone number (555444 in Canada), they are immediately added to your database. You now have the ability to send them a text message whenever you wish!

Try it for yourself… 

Take out your mobile phone and open your text application. Text the word ALERTZ to the phone number 55469 (use 555444 if you are in Canada). This phone number is called a "Short Code" because it is shorter than a traditional phone number, and is specially designed to support mobile marketing.

textalertz trial

If you want to take it one step further, try texting one of the sample keywords below to 55469. Pick a keyword that is similar to your industry or type of business. These are pre-scripted examples that demonstrate a real-world example of how TextAlertz technology can be used to communicate to your customers, prospects, or even employees.


  • Barber
  • Carwash
  • Church
  • Club
  • College
  • Comedy
  • Mobiledetail
  • Nailsalon
  • Pizza
  • Promoter
  • Radio
  • Retail
  • Restaurant
  • School
  • Sportsteam

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