

MLSalertz Sell Homes Faster

MLSalertz is an easy, effective and affordable mobile marketing solution that helps you promote your listings directly to potential home buyers. It's simple. Just enter the Multiple Listing Service ID for each of your properties, and MLSalertz will create a complete mobile web site for each home – complete with pictures, local amenities and YOUR contact information.

It's as easy as typing in your Multiple Listing Service Number, and clicking "go". Use MLSalertz to…

  • Receive alerts when someone requests info on your listings
  • Promote new listings to hot buyers
  • Share contact information
  • Generate more listings and referrals

Let us show you how to sell more homes faster with MLSalertz.




Why MLSalertz is the Secret Ingredient You are Missing?



How do you currently promote your listings? Can you reach potential buyers with new listings at the touch of a button? How would you like to sell homes faster? Now you can capture buyer info instantly before ever meeting them!

Harness the Impact of Mobile to Sell More Homes

MLSalertz is a proven, effective way to communicate to home buyers at the moment they are most interested. That's because 97% of people read their text messages – immediately. Not "later" or tomorrow or next week – within minutes.

Up until now, it was difficult and costly for most real estate agents to take advantage of the incredible marketing power of text marketing. MLS Alertz has changed all that, and now YOU can profit from this powerfully simple technology for as little as a dollar a day.

Better yet, MLSalertz has made text marketing EASY and—dare we say—FUN!

Find out how simple yet powerful MLS alertz really is by trying it for yourself.  To see how MLSalertz would look to your clients, text "house101" without quotes to 55469, and then follow the link.  You can be up and running in 5 minutes. Before long, you won't be able to remember what you ever did before MLSalertz!

Plans start as low as $30/month.  Click here for full procing details.


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