Save Money

How TextAlertz Can Save Your Business Money

text marketing textalertz

Everything you invest in to grow your business has a "price". But not everything has a "cost". It's an important distinction, because you want to know that the services you use are returning more in value than you are spending on them.

TextAlertz, and text marketing in general, is a perfect example of a service that doesn't cost you anything—because it provides an immediate return on investment. Not only does TextAlertz help you increase sales, but it can also save you money right from the first day you get started!


Here are some examples:

  • Doctor and Dentist offices

    Doctor and Dentist offices utilize TextAlertz to send appointment reminders. Not only does this work better than phone calls or email, it saves them staff time and expense in making these calls. Plus, since everyone reads their text messages, more patients show up for their appointments!

  • Churches, Schools, Daycares and Non-Profits

    Churches, Schools, Daycares and Non-Profits use TextAlertz to announce events and schedule changes, saving them time and money, while boosting attendance and reducing the frustration of those that "didn't get the message".

  • HR Directors

    HR Directors use TextAlertz to communicate with their employees, especially in situations where many of their staff are not at a computer all day to see email. This not only saves these companies time, but often money in preventing errors or confusion among employees "in the field".

  • Restaurants

    Restaurants often send text alerts to their customers whenever they are having a particularly slow day. This saves them money by making sure they are not paying staff to be idle. The resulting increase in traffic keeps their employees busy and generating revenue.


The time- and money-saving uses of TextAlertz are practically endless. Call Allan today at 252-200-3054 to try TextAlertz for yourself.

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