
Is ChurchAlertz the Secret Ingredient Your Church is Missing?

ChurchAlertz is an easy, effective and affordable mobile marketing solution that can help any faith-based organization reduce costs and increase revenue. We take the confusion out of text marketing by providing you with a simple, web-based platform that allows you to communicate instantly with your congregation, employees, or the community.

It’s as easy as typing in your message, selecting the list or lists you’d like to receive the message, and clicking “go”. Use ChurchAlertz to…

  • Send announcements by text on demand
  • Increase attendance with reminders
  • Share links to videos or web sites
  • Collect tithes and offerings

Ask yourself:

Can you reach your entire congregation instantly at any time?


ChurchAlertz is the answer you have been looking for.

"Mobile Marketing" is a proven, effective way to communicate to your congregation, in a way they actually like to be reached. That's because 97% of people reads their text messages – immediately. Not "later" or tomorrow or next week.


Up until now, it was difficult and costly for most churches and faith organizations to take advantage of the power of text marketing. With ChurchAlertz, YOU can use the very same technology that major corporations and franchises are using, only for a fraction of the cost.

ChurchAlertz has made text marketing EASY and FUN!

Find out how simple, yet powerful, ChurchAlertz really is by trying it for yourself. Call Allan at 252-200-3054, or for a FREE demonstration text the word CHURCH to 55469 (555444 in Canada). You can be up and running in 5 minutes, and before long you won't be able to remember what you ever did before ChurchAlertz!

Plans start as low as $1 for a 15 day trial.

ChurchAlertz® Powerful Mobile Marketing

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